Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Future Is As Bright As Your Faith

I really loved this quote by President Monson during conference. With all the doom and gloom media, it's a refreshing outlook to carry through each day! Besides how could my future not be bright with these two boys? Be of good cheer peeps!


Theresa said...

Hey stranger....I need your address! I wanna send you something! Miss ya

Theresa said...

ps. How studly is Jack getting?

Kim and Matt said...

My favorite saying of conference also. Miss you guys.

Tatiana said...

Isn't he so great? I have always loved President Monson's talks. Your fam is so freakin cute!

Chelsey Howard said...

Your so cute:) LOve the family pic.

Brooke Monsen said...

Love the Family Picture! I can't get over how freiken cute your Lil Man is!

Anonymous said...

you're hottt Laura