Tuesday, February 10, 2009


So my sweet little choncho has been really sick. It started off with a cough, then he woke up from his nap and I heard the all to familiar sound of croup strewn in that little cough of his. It was Friday, his doc was booked, it was 3:00. So my mom and I headed to a pediatric urgent care, bless her heart! Anyway we get there and there was one person in the room waiting, I repeat, one. So we are thinking this is awesome we will get right in. Welp 2 hours passed and basically you had a totally enraged baby, mom and grandma. Soon after the two hour mark in waltzes our doctor. She was dumb as rocks. First of all she had a hacking cough which totally bugs, since I'm a total germ-a-phobe. I mean come on people cover your mouth! But a doctor... gallivanting around coughing all over things....bleh. Anyway she asks me what going on with Jack. I tell her that my lil Choncho has been having a croupy cough and stuffy nose and a fever and has been tugging on his ears like crazy(symptomatic of an ear infection, so I thought anyway). She looks at me with glazed eyes. She starts taking notes on a torn piece of scrap paper that looked like a flyer of some sort...my mom pointed this out to me. She then proceeds to check his vitals. She looked into his ears, checked his lungs and everything around those parts and says, well since he has had croup twice before I am sure you know what it sounds like. Let's go ahead and give him the steroid shot to open up his airways. She tells me everything else looks great, he's breathing well he doesn't have an ear infection and so on. So we leave the urgent care, a little leery...but there was not much else we could do. Well Saturday night comes along. I just get a gut feeling that something isn't right. I asked Aaron if he could give Jack a blessing. So Mike Canter comes over...thanks Mike, and they give him a blessing, I immediately calm down, Jack starts to breathe better and eventually falls asleep. Well 1:00 am rolls around and Jack is crying in pain. That is thee worst sound to ever hear as a mother. I get up and Aaron takes his temperature. It was 103.8. How scary! We call my mom to see what we should do...after all she is a mother of five. She gives me the advice. I take it. Jacks fever eventually creeped back down. Well the urgent care sad excuse for a doctor said that the symptoms should go away in about 4 days. As of last night they hadn't, they had just kept getting worse. We gave Jack another blessing...thanks Mike. Then Mike's wife, my good friend Randa who is a nurse came over and listened to him to make sure everything was A-OK. Thanks Randa. Well everything sounded good as far as she could tell, and I got my piece of mind. Well this morning after little sleep I wake up and take Jack into the doctor. Which by the way took about 20 minutes. She told me that Jack may have had croup before and that the steroid shot had helped. But that he still has it as well as RSV which is why the croup wouldn't go away. Not only that he also had double ear infections. I sat there dumb founded. That stupid doctor at the urgent care didn't even see the ear infections...didn't bother to listen up in his bronchials...ugh I am so mad. Well anyway long long long story short. I just am super upset and I want to kick the crap out of that lady. My dad asked me how I would get all the crap out and I said I would ring her colon. I AM LIVID! More important then that, I just wanted to let my friends know and anyone else who may stumble across this, DO NOT GO TO THE PEDIATRIC URGENT CARE ON COOPER AND STAPLEY. It would be in your best interest to go see a real doctor at an adult urgent care or dare I say just go to the hospital. But that lady had crap for brains and obviously had know idea what she was talking about, and my baby had to suffer this whole time through alot of pain. That's my spiel.


Unknown said...

That sucks that you had such a bad experiance there! I have been there a million times because it is right around the corner from me. I have never waited that long before!

From my experiance with my boys, who both have cronic ear infections, they could be fine in the morning then by time afternoon hits, have a full blown ear infection. I have been to the doctor 2 days in a row and have had this happen more than once.

Poor little guy. Hope he gets back to feeling better.

Tracy Elder said...

omg i am so sorry. that is the worst story ever! poor jack! what a nightmare!

Anonymous said...

That's soo frustrating!! I went to the ped nighttime urgent care on higley and guadalupe once and they weren't very good either. The dr reminded me of the quicky shop owner on the Simpsons.
We went to that small ER on Power and Ray just past Target a couple of weeks ago and they were awesome. We got right in and had really good doctors. They even brought me refreshments. :)

Michele said...

Poor Jack. Poor you. I am really sorry guys. glad you got it figured out. double ear infection, wow. (AND RSV-yikes.)

Chelsey Howard said...

I would be pissed too!! You should go complain, get your money back, something. I can't believe that!! K, noted, never go to that Urgent care!! I hope Jack starts feeling better, poor guy:(

Chad and Amanda said...

Dude, that totally sucks! I would be freaking out. I hate urgent cares! I'm so sorry about your experience. I hope Jack feels better soon. Let me know if we can bring you guys dinner.

Bryce, Anna, Porter, Avery and Colette said...

oh my gosh... I can't believe that. I am so grateful Porter is one healthy little guy... he did have that cold going around for 3 weeks, but didn't progress to anything treatable just annoying... I worry sometimes that he has a high pain tolerance though... oh the joys of motherhood. i'm glad you listened to your intuition though cause that's important and usually right!

Cardon Family said...

I would have been so mad! I cannot even believe that doctor...or so called doctor! Poor little Jack! Maybe Jack will start sleeping better now so you can catch up on some sleep too! And I didn't even know there was a flower called the ranancula...is that right?:) But they are pretty!

Kim and Matt said...

Poor Jack. :(

Amy F. said...

So Brutal! This season has been so bad, with all the sick kids.
Since you know what croup sounds like, I'm worried that Dax has it now. He hasn't been wheezy, but after getting a huge swollen gland on only one side and a fever for 4 days we went to the Dr and he was put on antibiotics for some infection, we didn't even know what. As soon as that went away a runny nose started, and then he got this dry cough. Its like the "honking" deep sounding cough, but no "crackling" sounds or wheezing. Ugghh, the worries of parenthood! I hate this time of year!!
I so hope he gets better. I can only sort of relate to the sleepless nights and worries of a sick baby. Give Jack our love!