Well I am not really sure how to write or post this because it is a little uncomfortable for me to do. I was recently diagnosed with precancerous cells in my cervix as well as dysplasia. This means alot of things, mainly that this could progress into something more serious. Its a weird feeling to hear the doctor say that I could have a form of cancer. I'm 23 almost 24. It is just crazy to me. I have known for a little bit and it has now just hit me. I guess things happen for a reason. Heavenly father only gives us challenges that we as individuals are strong enough to handle. I'm grateful to be able to test out my strength and faith in him, but also scared out of my mind. Anyway I go in for my biopsy on the 19th to see exactly what I am dealing with. I would appreciate all your prayers. I know that it my seem weird to ask for, but I really feel that I need as many as I can get right now. I feel lucky to be diagnosed with something that is treatable. I am grateful for Aaron and my family's support. I'll post any new updates, but for now please keep my family and I in your prayers. Thank you!
Friday, October 31, 2008
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Sealed for Time and Eternity
What up, Aaron here. I just wanted to write a quick something regarding our sealing this weekend. It was so amazing! We had so much support, thank you to all our friends and family members who came to support us. Thursday night Laura went through and got her endowments, it was such an awesome experience. It was so cool to look over at her and see her in the temple, such a babe!! Friday was our sealing and that was by far the crowning point of my life so far. Laura and I walked into the sealing room and our sealer knew both of our families really well. He bore his testimony of eternal families and how special of an occasion this was for us. He went into great detail on how important it is to be sealed together as a family in the temple. After Laura and I were sealed together they brought Jack in to seal him to us. He was all in white and they put his little hand on top of ours and sealed us together for time and all eternity. It was so amazing!!! This past year has been awesome, but now that we are sealed I feel like our joy has been multplied by 100! My brother in law asked me if I felt different, I told him that there was more of a confidence and a calmness now knowing that we will be together forever. So awesome!! Anyway, we got tons of pics taken, but they are being developed, we'll get them scanned and post them up asap. But until then enjoy this one of Laura, Jack, and me in front of the temple. Holla!
Posted by
The Elders
1:02 PM
Sunday, October 5, 2008
It's our Anniversary today. We actually made it...haha. But all jokes aside it's been a fantastic one. We have had a lot happen in such a short period( I never thought years were short until I graduated high school, I hate getting older bleh!). Anyway we have had a baby, bought a bunch of stuff..including house and car, got into debt hahaha that ones a joke (Aaron would like me to reiterate that we are not in debt), and turned our lives around with a whole new perspective. So bam! There is our life in a nutshell. It has been such a blessing to add Jack to our crew. Aaron and I would not be who we are today with out that sweet baby! I also want to say what a wonderful amazing man I married. I totally lucked out in the marriage lottery. His rugged good looks tickle my fancy, he is such a help around the house, he has a work ethic that can sometimes drive my lazy bum crazy, he is hot...did I say that one already? And he is just an all around a good genuine person. I am grateful for him. So anyway I know that you are all dying to know the details of our anniversary, so I will fill you in. We decided to celebrate Friday because it fell on a Sunday. Analee, Aaron's sissy helped out tons by watching Jack and after we dropped him off we headed off to Cheesecake Factory and a movie. After a lot of wrong turns and traffic we decided to go to Charlestons to make the movie. We walked in and there was no wait which is freaking awesome! I had the steak of my dreams(it was marinated in pineapple juice and soy sauce), crescents to die for and we reminisced about this past year. It was great, kind of like playing the compliment game in a round about way...if you know me then you know what that is. Anyway we went to go see House Bunny, because I love dumb movies like that, and of course it was no longer showing. So instead we went and saw Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist opening night with a bunch of high school girls...awesome( Aaron told on them cuz they were yelling throughout the movie,hahaha!). It was ok, but since we love Michael Cera it made it worth while. Well to end the night we hit up Bahama Bucks( I love this place...strawberry colado and cream tastes like a dream in my mouth!) and picked Jack up and went home to sleep! Twas a great night indeed. I love anniversary's they are like mini birthday without turning older. Anyway if you read this much thanks for taking an interest in our lives! I am grateful for the people I have in my life more importantly Aaron! I love you sweet cheeks!
Me and my main squeeze
No one on the corner has swagger like us, hahaha
Aaron loving his rolls
I love this man
And I love this little man soooo much too!!
He's up on all fours!!
Posted by
The Elders
8:39 PM